Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pelhuaz Exquisite Friend of the Week: Little House of Crafting

Happy Anniversary Tony!

Today's post is dedicated to my fabulous geeky friend Toni and her Shop Little House of Crafting. She's celebrating her anniversary this month and we want to honor her! YAY! For us shop owners this milestone is very important as we know how difficult (but fun) the journey is and having another year ahead is very exciting.

So let's hear about Toni.

Pelhuaz: What's your name?
Toni: Toni Conn      

Pelhuaz: Describe yourself in 5 words?
Toni: Nerd, geek, tea addict, maker           

Pelhuaz: If you could sing one song on American Idol or any other TV Show, what would it be?
Toni: Tough choice! Probably "Let It Go". lol!      

Pelhuaz: If you were on an island and could only bring 3 things, what would you bring?
Toni: Tea, books, laptop with unlimited battery life       

Pelhuaz: If we came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for us?
Toni: Yum-A-Setta. Ground beef, egg noodles, cheese, cream of chicken soup and tomato soup. It's delicious!   

Pelhuaz: If you were a Star Trek® [or Star Wars®] character, which one would it be?
Toni: R2D2. Spunky but already there when you need me!        

Pelhuaz: What is the last book you read? 
Toni: That I finished? Umm..Mockingjay for the 3rd time.         

Pelhuaz: Tell us about your Small Business… Why did you decide to open Little House of Crafting?
Toni: I decided to open my Little House of Crafting because I wanted to reach a market beyond anime conventions. I didn't want to limit myself and my products to just where I physically was on certain weekends of the year. I wanted to release my babies to the world!      

Pelhuaz: What is your favorite item available at your shop?
Toni: My favorite item has to be my Tabletop Gamer pin. I love tabletop gaming but can't play it due to the time sink. Pokemon Tabletop Adventures is my favorite tabletop game!            

Pelhuaz: What do you wish you had known before you started?
Toni: I wish I had known the kind of time management structure that is needed to run a small business. You're involved in social media very often and unless you set a timer or have a program to block those sites at certain times of the day you can get sucked in and not make anything by the end of the day!    

Pelhuaz: When is your Store Anniversary?
Toni: May 13           

Pelhuaz: Imagine that I’m planning to open Pelhuaz, and I don’t know a thing about managing a Small Business, what will be your best advice?
Toni: Get involved in a small business community. Running a small business can be lonely and you'll need the encouragement and the ability to encourage others on their journey! Oh My! Handmade and Facebook communities are a great start!

Toni and Little House of Crafting are the responsible for Pelhuaz' Pins. She's the Designated Pin Creator for almost every Storenvy Shop on our Community, and they all look awesome.

This is how awesome Toni is. You can ask her for a custom order and will be ready and fabulous in no time.

As part of her Anniversary Celebration, Toni is running an awesome giveaway at her blog until May 31. You have plenty of time to participate. Go to her blog and enjoy the gifts, as Pelhuaz and few others Shops are included at the giveaway.


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